"New works in Jeddah" Festival of the latest Saudi Arabia and the Gulf festivals

The "new works in Jeddah" Festival of the latest Saudi Arabia and the Gulf festivals, held in the first session with the participation of more than 2000 shop and center under the slogan "Dubbo Ja" from March 21 to April 18 next, where the full latest global and local product displays

The festival aims to strengthen non Mermaid as one of the most important Arab and Gulf tourist cities, and stimulate trade and tourism movement in the business sector, where Jeddah will be the permanent venue to launch all new in March of each year with Baltoakp put in all the world's markets niche
Revealed the Jeddah Chamber for new product yesterday at a news conference, where the Secretary-General of the Jeddah Chamber of Adnan Bin Hussein revealed Mandoura for the decision to establish a festival every three months, adding: "We will evaluate Come Jeddah Shopping Festival in December and January with cuts Baltoakp season
He added: "It will be the festival (new works in Jeddah) during the month of March and April Baltoakp with the introduction of new products, while it will Jeddah Festival is is a summer festival, and will be reported in the coming period for the fourth festival of the bride, where come all these efforts to stimulate tourism and shopping, and provide concrete initiatives and services for both business benefit of clients, employees room
For his part, pointed out the forums and events director Mohammed sector forearm festival details to the presence of six major commercial centers and more than 2000 shops will participate in the provision of all new and will work withdrawals during events that will last a full month

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