Egypt third globally in the use of information technology in tourism

Egypt won third place for the use of information technology in the Egyptian tourist destination management applications, after all of Austria and Switzerland

And in the International Conference on Travel and Tourism and organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and the travel and tourism city "Lugano" Switzerland in collaboration with the Center for Information and Tourism Promotion Authority with the participation of more than 25 countries from around the world
And Austria came in first place, followed by the host of the Conference of State Switzerland, while Egypt came in third place
Beauty and Fatima explained general manager of the information center of the Tourism Promotion Authority, said that the win came through participation in the innovation competition in the presentation of tourist destinations using information technology in the Egyptian tourist destination management applications
And the award was a "certified organization - subscription for a year membership in the organization - to participate on the official website of the organization for the promotion of the tourist destination of Egyptian certificate
It is reported that the Ministry of Tourism and signed late last year with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology protocol aims to use information technology and communication tools to maximize communication between tourists and tourist attractions in Egypt through mobile applications
One of the main objectives of display information to enable the tourists to see attractions such as temples, monuments and broadcast via satellite and surveillance cameras in these areas and view angle of 360 degrees

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