Tourist places in Trabzon

Trabzon is one of the largest in the eastern Black Sea cities where the deep history and beautiful nature and rich culture and its many beautiful tourist sites visited by tourists, especially Arab tourists. The city has many of terrain including mountain and plain ones such as green mountains and dense forests, rivers, lakes and waterfalls. The atmosphere of the moderate attraction for tourists and there are internal airport in the city. We will mention here the famous and beautiful in the city will enjoy visited tourist areas

Sultan Murad area of ​​the best tourist places in Trabzon

This area consists of mountain heights furnished green layer along the sight and famous for hunting antelope and deer. And there are now an environmental reserve near Sultan Murad in order to protect wildlife

Samwila area

Located in the north of Turkey and there are archaeological Castle in high mountain peak, and the road to the castle is characterized by the presence of rivers and waterfalls that will enjoy watching it by going to the castle. There are two routes to the castle, one for pedestrians and other road vehicles. There is also near the castle range of cafes and restaurants

Lake walk Gul

This lake formed from mixing water torrents winter green trees that surround it on all sides. The lake is located in the bosom of the mountains covered with green pastures where water flows from their schedules through the rocks at the end of the lake. You can sit in the shade of trees around the lake and enjoy the cool breeze. And you can also view the fish in the waters of the lake. And you want to increase your pleasure that you can play with Bastgiar Mjadiv boat sailing across the lake water.

High Buztbh one tourist places in Trabzon

A high plateau figure clad in green trees near the city center and is the highest place in the city where you can see all the city landmarks. Many beautiful gardens all well advised to try the evening sessions in these gardens

Siga cave

Siga cave is located in the mountain capital of the high mountains. Wonderful that the ceiling and walls appear like a lava frozen while the cave of cool inside and Taatqtr water from between the rocks inside the cave

 Trabzon Museum of the most important tourist places in Trabzon

Ayasofia Museum, which dates back to the 13th century, which was originally a church and then turned into a mosque and then was converted into a museum

Reza City

There Resa, just 75 kilometers east of Trabzon and the Valley Vrtina where you can see the clear waters of rivers and enjoy the voice of trickling water there. And is famous for its tea plantations Reza city that green carpet-like, there is also no Pasha Mosque of Islam, which was built in the 16th century

Booz Tepe Park Picnic

This park was originally a site for Persian temples, but now includes many of the tea rooms and restaurants

Sultan Murad and the Golan Heights thanked Sue with mineral water those misty green forests and meadows cold breeze

Kaabasha Heights high mountain peaks and the Ajerv high-rise and you can see by pine trees foggy high-density beside waterfalls attractive

Trabzon historic castle and the whole archaeological Ottoman Gul Bahar Hatton

Valley Ezagnos that has the Swan Lake area next to the archaeological park

Ataturk White Palace with the Russian architectural style where you can sit on garden flowers.

There is also a garden and grotto Atabarc Chal Altarabzona

In terms of commercial centers out there are huge "Forum" commercial center and commercial center "Jewels late August."
Commercial center, "Farley Atabarc Bash

In terms of amusement parks and games there are the City Aquatics "Aquapark" and the amusement park "Luna Park"

In the end you will need to visit more than one in every visit you will need more than a day so you can visit and enjoy all these places and scenic attractions attractive in the wonderful city of Trabzon

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