Ghardaia of the most beautiful regions of Algeria pictures

Ghardaia City

Gradeh is a city [Ngrdaet] and the headquarters of the state of Ghardaia, with a population of about 90 thousand people, a tourist city staff, engaged people commercial and industrial activity, travels valley gutter and also called capital of the valley gutter
The city's historic monuments classified the UNESCO, which is a famous market of antique and narrow alleyways. The effects of seven historic palaces are

     Palace kindness
     Palace Supreme Malika
     Ghardaia Palace
     Bani Azjn Palace
     Bannoura Palace
     Brian Palace
     Qararah Palace
     Alzaih bin Palace Dhoh

Residents of the city are from different sects Ibadi, Maliki and Sunni
Ghardaia, label HCA and circulated to all the villages of the valley and originally released only on the city, "Ngrdaet." The one who wants to verify that match this label with the city site that stands higher Palace Supreme Malika "coming Mlisht" time flow of the valley. There Mtdolh labels when the general public for "Ngrdaet" namely: Qirdaah, Ghardaia, Gardaeh, Gardah.

Areas classified as a World Heritage
Archaeological sites and historical monuments


Ghardaia, has several antique palaces that look uniform in shape homogeneous in their colors are as follows

     Tajnint Palace (kindness) was founded in 1012 AD
     Palace coming light (Bannoura) Year 1046 AD
     Ngrdaeh Palace (Ghardaia) the year 1053 AD
     Palace coming Azjn (built Ezgn) year 1353 AD
     Palace coming Mlisht (Malika) 1355 m
     Qararah Palace Year 1630
     Brian Palace Year 1690
     Palace Metlili 14th century AD

The state also has many religious monuments of mosques and funerary chapels where religious rites are held seasonal increase the uniqueness of traditional housing in this state, as the palace Almzaba unique to its availability on the wide spaces and trade exchanges, which is a center of cultural life. Palaces know the state of Ghardaia special system to distribute water to the oasis singing, which utilized for recreation in summer, increasing the enjoyment of its fruits
] Traditional industries

Ghardaia is the carpet of the most important traditional industries which are very popular on .xiaodh Alabsh Sufi Kalguendorh, elephants, russet, is also famous for the state in low copper, wood and leather industry, pottery and artifacts
Feasts and Seasons: Holiday old palace carpet gala Mounaah Mehri visits and holiday Aloaadat

Oasis built Azkn: Founded at the end of the eighth century AH 1321 where merged five ancient villages close to the current city: the Po and Kia, Mo hips, Tishreen, Ojnona me, Tvilla late. The original name is coming from Burberry Jail and was told proportion to one of the families who popularized this city so we find several families bearing this title to this day in the Valley of Mesa b wa no head and nicknamed Basagna. This reasoning may be closer to reasonably convey Mr. Ali Dboz for Bakri that are built imprisoned in Oran in that time they are on the doctrine of Ibadi then migrated to Mesa b Vlqubt city in their name. It was said that the villages that created the children of imprisoned old accounted for half of the population in Mesa Ibadi b depending on the linguistic significance of a negative Budget Zjn
Surrounded by famed palace leisure punctuated by guard towers Amadvia it a special character Psogah a private auction Muffler Almataroz traditional Besnaath and brown carpet Azkn. Oasis has a wide along the valley is filled Antish the length of 430 m and 14 m height (from the deepest point) should be a fantastic view of the valley at the Ceylon

Supreme Malika palace of palaces valley gutter seven continued administratively mayor of Ghardaia, the Supreme Malika located above the high mountains and home to a few thousand of the population, and the words and the designation of the Supreme Malika indicate that there are lower Malika It is located along the valley gutter, called the Palace of the Supreme Malika Balmizabah "Atmlisht", and is considered mansion II in terms of origination if we take into account "fell in love with a Noadaa" But the palace fifth is in terms of origination Khit ascended the people "fell in love Onoadaa" to the top of the mountain fact "Palace Otmlisht", and there is a new palace in the construction phase of the north side of the old palace and the so-called Aaumad

Photos of Ghardaia

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