Daily Mail | 10 more tricks faced in the travel and how to avoid it

Vary tricks perpetrated by thieves and crooks with the tourists coming to their country, some of them located in hotels and other airports, markets and tourist attractions, here are 10 of them published by the "Daily Mail" from the book of Peter and John, "80 stunt around the world" and how to overcome them

. Night calls in hotel *

Room phone ringing in the hotel at night caller claiming to be from the reception and the computer system in the hotel may crash and ask your credit card data to be entered again, and as a result of drowsiness may give him everything he needs to empty your bank account, this method is common in Georgia, in the United States

  To avoid this I refuse to give any information and close the phone, and then informed the hotel staff and the police immediately

. The loss of the value of your ticket purchased online *

Crooks uses advertising for cheap airline tickets refundable on sites like gumtree.com, where they sell to you through the site and you pay and then recover the value of their ticket value to return for credit cards of their own way
And you have to buy tickets directly from the airlines or through trusted sites

 List takeaway counterfeit *

Whatever you're hungry Vaanrs of menus delusional, you pass under the door of your hotel room, where you'll be surprised if requested by contacting food restaurant alleged that he was withdrawing a large amount of your credit card

So eat at local restaurants or at the hotel

 Gems trick *

Simple trick but effective, which is common in Southeast Asia and India, where the fraudster to sell some gems for a low price, he says, for tourists it can be configured to a large fortune by selling them again in his country, where he discovers later that the gems are worthless .

 To avoid this do not buy those cheap stones

 Airport inspection *

When approaching the inspection at the airport and put your luggage to walk approaching someone has put the keys in his pocket, and cut your way suddenly, then it rings a metal detector, and claims that he did not empty his pockets well, then someone else accomplice with him, and while you are with the first person comes and steals your computer quickly mobile, phone, wallet and other valuables from the conduct of your luggage.

Kenyan police have been published warnings about this trick as it did the US Federal Aviation Administration also.

  And you have to retain Bomtatk own until you have direct access to the checkpoint and monitored well when passing on the device

 Theft manner distraction *

Thief aims to exchange your attention about the time of the theft, for example, comes a woman and her doll-like child, and encourages you for money for her child, has received you, or use a distraction such as spraying mustard or tomato juice on the victim's methods, where you'll be surprised that he has stole by her partner .
  To avoid this do not care about what is happening and walk away from them

 Seller is the rest of your money slowly *

European trick and can occur in any place, where the seller deliberately when you purchase anything, ticket, gift, or private dining in the street, that the rest of the owner is slowly even forget or take a rest without longer.
To avoid this waiting for the promise of the rest of your money before you leave

 Beggars patients *

Is common, especially in India, South America and Southeast Asia, where there are organized gangs to seize valued passengers funds, claiming beggars fake injuries for larger donations, and injuries are real and the stories behind them realistic and avoid that child Give food instead of money

 Corrupt policemen *

Police claim that the tourist may break the law and had to pay a sum in exchange for the offense until we agree on bribery, and is therefore of tricks that can be located anywhere with a corrupt police officers.

To avoid this Be nice, and kept his temper and tried to speak in a way you graduate from the position without paying a bribe

 Flower vendor of "Rosemary *

Beware, in Madrid, New Delhi particular, from a nice woman offering you a sprig of flower Rose Marie or rosemary, as a sign of friendship, then hold your hand and begin to read your future, and once you accept it will ask you for money in return, have raise their voices high, so you can feel embarrassed and pay to save yourself

To avoid this, walk quickly in the opposite direction

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