Pictures: Learn the beauty of the city of Barcelona, Spain

The city of Barcelona, Spain, and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, the Mediterranean Vmnachha and beautiful buildings with distinctive historic character makes them one of the main purposes of the World Tourism

Although the city is known relative to the famous football club, but the truth is that the traffic in the streets of this wonderful city Encick this fact completely

The population of the city with its suburbs, about 4 million people, and is the second largest city in Spain in terms of population after the capital Madrid

City designed geometric genius, parallel streets between neighborhoods, so that it is rare to see where the traffic density, despite the large number of inhabitants and the huge number of tourists

Geographically, the city is located on the northeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Mediterranean Sea, and is located between two rivers, and lies about 160 kilometers from the Pyrenees mountains that separate Spain from France

And is considered the city's climate is very mild, Kmnach cities of the Mediterranean Sea, and flaking of the city nearly 700 mm of rain mostly come in the winter, when the snow is not falling, but very rare, and the best time to visit the city is during the spring and autumn

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