IATA: Middle East carriers lead the global aviation growth

International Air Transport Association «IATA» confirmed that Emirates and Middle East carriers lead growth in the civil aviation industry, where the region's carriers grew by 10.5%, the highest growth rate among airlines in the world, according to the newspaper statement.
According to data of «IATA» Emirates is the largest airline in the world in terms of air miles traveled, the largest airline in the world in the international travel market.
She said «IATA» in its report on the airline carriers that the Middle East's share of international flights rose to 14.2%, surpassing for the first time North American carriers, which fell a second with a share of 13.4%. And grown airlines in the Middle East, capacity rose by 13.2%, while trips occupancy rate was 76.4%.
She said IATA in its report that air traffic in the last year recorded a growth rate of 6.5% compared with the year 2014 in terms of passenger revenue per kilometer, the highest growth rate recorded since 2010 after the recovery of the aviation industry from the effects of the financial crisis that hit the world in 2008. As this growth exceeds the growth of the industry during the past ten years, which amounted to 5.5% rate.
The report pointed out that despite signs of economic weakness to a number of countries in the world, but the demand for passenger traffic continued to grow over the past year, driven by the decline in air fares, due to lower global oil prices. Ticket prices have fallen over the last year by 5.5%, compared with 2014.

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