Chinese tourists in the foreign travel market: Past, Present and Future

The number of Chinese tourists abroad to 174 million in four years, with enormous purchasing power amounting to 264 billion US dollars. The last year of more than 107 million Chinese overseas trips, an increase of 20 per cent in 2013.

Chinese passion for travel is almost incredible. After two decades of rapid growth and growing, China has become one of the world's leading markets in terms of tourism abroad. About 80 per cent of overseas trips made by Chinese today are vacation trips.

Chinese international travelers are often younger and richer, with independent opinions and knowledge of high-tech. This burgeoning tourist market fueled by savvy class in matters of technology called "millennium generation" who are between the ages of 18 to 35 years.

The Tourism Review, in cooperation with the World Tourism Forum economy, and is a comprehensive Chinese tourism market enormous window, clarification of data on this market through Anfugavik wonderful:

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