Tourist expert: Dubai excels much quality hotel services

Said hospitality expert specialist and dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of "Wollongong" in Dubai, Barry Oomahona, Dubai is superior to many cities in quality and embraces a group of unique and luxury hotels, and therefore be supported by excellent service, stressing at the same time that Dubai hotels We need to excel in the quality of service during the period leading up to Expo 2020 to ensure no loss of competitiveness later.
He believed that staff training and development is the key factor in improving the service, noting that the hotel sector seeks to increase sales in the difficult times through lower prices, according to the "Gulf" the UAE.
He added: "on the grounds that Dubai is known universally high standards of service, the trends to provide large discounts will happen erosion in profits and ultimately leads to business failure, and this is further enhancing the service experience, which is the key to achieving sustainability and growth in the future cause."

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