Winners of the "Arab Tourism Media Awards" will be from Oman

Caravan Tourist Information tenth off to Jordan and the 22 journalists and media from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), will be announced during the convoy, the winners of the "Arab Tourism Media Awards 2015" known as the "Oscar of Arab tourism", an annual prize for the media and the Arab personalities tourist

Amman city to host the announcement of the Arab Tourist Information Awards

The aim of the convoy to be found on the Jordanian tourist features, and identify the most important tourist areas in the capital Amman and the Dead Sea, Jerash, visit raised Arab investors and tourism services investment therapeutic areas
And participate Fahzh awards many bodies and personalities, journalists and journalists, the number reached for the first time to more than 400 personal and media and 50 Arab Tourism Authority
He said Hussein Al Mannai, head of the Arab Center for Media tour organizer of the convoy participants representing major newspapers and the media from the Gulf countries in order to activate the Arab eco-tourism and to highlight the tourist attractions in Jordan, which is witnessing a remarkable increase in the Arab tourist flow for the current year
Immune system and pointed out that the media caravan program is one of the main Arab Center for Media tourism programs, pointing out that the Oscar announcement of Arab tourism is a major event witnessed by Jordan for the first time
For his part, Mr. Nayef Al Fayez, Minister of Tourism of the Jordanian media professionals who are visiting Jordan welcomed, and participants in the convoy Tourist Information tenth saying: "Welcome brothers in Amman Arabism, stressing that Jordan is their second home, and it is waiting for the media of the Gulf Cooperation Council to meet them
And Fayez support to activate inter-Arab tourism, noting that tourism in Jordan contribute to the GDP of Jordan worth 13%
He praised the declaration of winners Tourist Information in Oman for the first time, confirming his support for the tourism media and its role in stimulating and supporting inter-Arab tourism, and the definition of features Arabic destinations that has lots and lots, which the world must know
This came on the occasion of the tenth visit caravan tourism information carried out by the Arab Center for Media Tourism in cooperation with the Jordanian Association for Media tourism to Jordan through 23 to March 28, 2015

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