8 types of passengers .. must prevent them from boarding planes

After that established the previous host, Sean Kathleen, a page on the site of social relations "Facebook" called it "the scandals of the passengers," which displays photographs of passengers behaving badly, Sean confirmed this time that there is still of intentionally harming others what he was doing on the plane, and launched a new campaign titled "These must be prevented from boarding the aircraft

A new campaign titled "These must be prevented from boarding the aircraft

Of walking barefoot on the plane
Kathleen said of sitting on the plane and walking barefoot is Mottagaozz in the right of others and therefore must be prevented from boarding a plane again, hanging that it is not limited to just take off the boot, but also extends sometimes foul smell may spread in the plane quickly what cause distress to others

Your feet should be in the right place and does not extend to the personal space of others

People who put their feet everywhere on the aircraft
Your feet should be in the right place and does not extend to the personal space of others, can relaxes elsewhere and not in the airspace, according to Kathleen, which confirmed that there are those who like to put their feet in all parts of the plane

Of boycotting emergency evacuations to get their bags
Kathleen also crossed the narrow passenger who deliberately get their bags in case there is an emergency is the effect that the evacuation of the aircraft, from this reprehensible act, it represents a threat to the lives of passengers, describing the person doing the selfish

Do not leave the gum everywhere

From left gum everywhere
If you did not learn in elementary school that left gum everywhere, on the seats, on the arms, and so forth, is really bad shape, there is no hope for you to board the plane again
From take off their clothes
If you use your shirt to stop the bleeding to save someone's life, this is your right, and without it, there is no reason for dressing on a plane
From leaving the hair on the back of the seat
Let your hair hanging on the back of the seat is annoying for many reasons, not only because it covers the screen of the person located behind you, but think about what happens when you are served meals or drinks. According to Sean Kathleen
People who use their seats as a clothesline
Drying your clothes sexy in the cabin inappropriate on many levels, even though the long trip

?Do you leave your child's diaper on the floor at home

N leave soiled diapers on the floor
Says Kathleen, do you leave your child's diaper on the floor at home? We do not want to know. Just do not do it on a plane

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