Pictures | destinations "fatal" for tourists in the world

Clear skies .. beach with blue water .. climbing, all great tourist destinations frequented by the world's people for fun and comfort, hope to go to and return home safely, but there are a number of tourist destinations classified by the Daily Mail newspaper Palmmath, due to the nature and sports those that relate to nature Kedzlq mountains and skiing as well as scuba diving and windsurfing

Mont Blanc - France

Goûter corridor is not considered is the most popular way for those who only want to climb the highest peak in Western Europe, it is one of the most dangerous areas because of frequent rock falls, and is known to the locals as the "death strip

Grand Canyon - Arizona

Occurred in this place 685 deaths, with a rise in the mountains of Park Canyon National Park, 1,800 meters

Tahubo - Tahiti

This area is known more dangerous places for surfers, where many of them died due to waves and hundreds injured seriously injured

Using "Kakuda" - Guinea

The biggest threat to travelers in the way of Kokoda is a mosquito, with an intensity to the extent that it is possible that the tourist to the ground and die from exposure to the severity of the injury is located

Beach "Smyrna" New - Florida

Tops New Smyrna Beach Beach in the mortality rate due to sharks attacks, where the number of attacks since 2004 to 2014 more than 700 attack

"Yosemite" National Park - California

The height of the mountains of the park more than 1,500 meters which prompted many mountain climbers to die as a result of falling from the top

Slope "Mohr" - Ireland

Charming views of the slope pay many tourists to visit and photo ops, but the lack of security barriers falling from above, increased the number of deaths in this slope

Skilling Michael - Ireland

Love exploration prompted many tourists to meet died due to the harsh nature of the rocks in this place and a height of up to 600 meters

Volcano "Hawaii" - flight helicopter

Many tourists believe that the best way to see the most active volcano on earth is through the climb into a helicopter, but this has caused 40 deaths as a result of the crash between 1992 and 2002

Colorado River - between America and Mexico

The beauty of the view from the top of this river paying tourist to visit and get closer to the edge, which has no protection barriers, which has increased the number of deaths in this place as a result of falling from the top

Death Road - Bolivia

Up through the death of this capital of the country's Amazon jungle, which pays a lot of cars that you want to cross it to slip and fall through it slope which has a height of 600 meters, and occur as a result of 300 deaths a year

High "is Shan" - China

In this perilous mountain road 100 climber die each year, where climbers saw him as a suitable place to show their strength and experience in climbing, and a height of 2154 meters

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