Pictures | Learn "Kowloon" more places busiest in the world

Publication of the American site "Business Insider" in a report, photographs of the city, "Cologne", which is one of the most densely populated in the world, has spent the photographer "Greg Gerard" years to photograph and document the place before demolition, in collaboration with another photographer named "Ian to Ambut ", to collect information and pictures in a book titled" The visit of the dark city again, "the report stated as follows

 "Kowloon" City of the North, "Hong Kong" Chinese island is located, was the city's castle at the beginning of the Chinese army, and then evolved to beyond the control of the village government, and consists of 300 buildings connected and high-rise

 The city began as a village consists of low-rise buildings, and that during the twentieth century, but after World War II saw the "Hong Kong" the island of a large influx of Chinese immigrants, has led to a lack of housing in the city, which called on businessmen and entrepreneurs to build high-rise homes, to exploit the need for residential units

 He had lived in the city, which has an area of 6.4 acres, more than 33 thousand people, so that many consider the most densely populated places on earth

 "Gerard" and says that despite the presence of the city over the territory of Hong Kong, but it was Castle of the Chinese Army in the foundation, and this has caused legal problems, as China and the Government of the Hong Kong British ignored the laws and regulations, no longer any of them applied to build on rules buildings, which led to the indiscriminate construction of houses, in response to the needs of the people

 The identification of the height of buildings up to 13 or 14-storey maximum, which is the only law in the age of "Kowloon", because of the city near the airport

 According to Gerard, the Chinese Mafia called "Triads", dominates the city since the fifties and even the seventies, until the city has gained a reputation as a source of crime, and although it has become more secure while Acetkhvha "Gerrard" in 1987, but the bad reputation has been linked to the city

 The streets and alleys of the city, "Kowloon" very narrow, where most of them did not exceed more than six feet of space, has facilitated the extensive network of passages in the upper levels of the buildings, the process of movement within the city, without having to walk in the streets

 City and is one of the places where people can walk around them, especially during the night, and most of the residents are keen to walk the streets and alleys, which they know well, on their way to work or home

 As it was easy to set up a business or rental shops or houses in the city, in the absence of laws applied

 Doctors and accredited professionals who emigrated from China has resorted to this city in order to direct their job, after they found their work is valid license in Hong Kong, has resorted to work in the "Cologne" because of the lack of law enforcement out

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