7 tips to avoid losing "suitcases" at the airport

Of more nightmares that may face travelers at airports is the loss of luggage or its contents damage due to the negligence of workers or inefficient delivery system bags, as the traveler plays a role in some cases the loss of his luggage through lack of attention to it at the airport

Reports indicate that the first nine months of 2014 saw the loss, damage or delay of 1.5 million bag in US airports, with the following set of tips to help you avoid losing your luggage at the airport, according to the website Rhode Warrior Vojses mail

  Use the distinctive bags*
Similar passenger baggage often, have mistaken some of the passengers and their luggage dream similar to your bag, so try that your bags are always distinctive in terms of shape, color and chose bright colors

  Identification cards*
In most cases where you lose your bag can come back to you, after that found workers at the airport, so I tried to put labels definition of inside and outside of the bag with the writing of your 
information in a clear and detailed

 Precious conten *
Sometimes it does not lose bags are stolen by some airport workers because they contain precious cargo, and 2014 saw the largest detection processes theft of suitcases in the history of the United States, so try to avoid the development of valuable goods in bags.

. filming bags *
Before handing the bags at the airport, take a picture of each of them and keep them on your mobile phone, these images help workers at the airport to find your bags in the event of loss.

  attention and care *
When you put the employee at the airport labels on the bags, try to be sure of them well, and make sure that the airport consisting of 3 boxes existing code on these labels and is identical 
to the ticket

  early access to the airport *
Early access to the traveler provides an opportunity delivery bags away from the hustle, which reduces the possibility of error during the travel procedures, including the preparation of bags for shipment on board.

  E-bags *
Recently appeared in many electronic designs bags that are difficult to open by the owner in accordance with the secret code, and reports these bags to preserve your valuables from theft at the airport


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