US passenger demanding $ 5 million due to the TV plane crashes

American filed a lawsuit passenger airline "United Airlines" demanding a compensation of $ 5 million, because of your TV service crashes her seat on the plane

"United Airlines" rejected the allegations Mounted

The newspaper "Daily Mail" the British, the passenger Carrie David was on its way from Puerto Rico to New York airport aboard a Lines "United" air plane, when it bought the service watching TV for $ 8, but was surprised by the interruption of service during the flight period for 4 hours , except the last 10 minutes
The newspaper reported that David was hit by boredom and resentment caused by what has happened to him, so I decided to go to court demanding the company $ 5 million, promising to share the money with all passengers affected by the same problem since the first of January 2012
In contrast, "United Airlines" rejected allegations passenger, saying that according to the conditions of service of the company amounting to passengers through the screen note the services before they buy a ticket, and had been told not to offer TV service and wireless internet access on board its aircraft when flying out US territory

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