Qatar will buy 30 luxury hotels around the world

Chief Executive Officer of Katara Hospitality Mullah Abdullah Hamad revealed that Qatar is planning to invest in France in order to fill the dwindling oil and gas resources and to ensure that future generations resources across a variety of projects

Le Royal Monceau Hotel in Paris, which is owned by Katara Hospitality

According to a report published by the newspaper Gulf Times, quoting Mullah dialogue with the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles planning to buy 30 luxury hotels all over the world
He said the Qatari government investment strategy up to 2030 .. and the roots of our investments in Qatar and heading towards our branches all over the world and we have a tendency to France, which we consider to be the focus of our prosperity
He added: We want to progress quickly and work hard .. Even if your economy is suffering from some depression on the tourism sector to maintain its development
And he said to take our decisions and our investments in a gradual and sometimes we get to study 5 files a day that French private estate with a guaranteed value for money
And the possibility of the existence of return on financial values ​​by the Qatari investments in France, which reached the limits of one billion dollars that "Qatar Hospitality" contribute to the economic development of the country and employ 3,500 French and possession Qatar Luxury Hotels French is not incompatible with the preservation of identity and the French workers who operate it
He stressed that the administrative and economic measures in France is much easier than some other countries like Switzerland, Italy or even Spain and France prefer easier country to invest because they are working to help foreign investors even though the legislative procedures sometimes complex
He stressed that the Qatari investments in France are several facilities due to policy continuity in the field of investment, which the country followed

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