Pictures "Tuscany" dream haven that lets you get away from it all

Considered "the most beautiful Tuscany region of areas, not only in Italy but in the world, and this is the area that is famous for its picturesque scenery west-central Italy, north of Rome and south of Genoa, stretching over an area of ​​about 23 thousand square kilometers

Tuscany is famous Bmtboukha who finds an echo in all parts of Europe, and the most important elements of green beans, fresh fruits and meat products, as you know, the area planted olive oil and rice

And longer Tuscany and one of the oldest archaeological sites in the world, ranked six locations where within the UNESCO World Heritage List, including the heart of the historic city of Florence, and the center of Siena city, and Cathedral Square in the heart of the city of Pisa, in addition to the center of the town of San Jimignano in Siena, and the town Byinza, The hills of the Val de Orkiya

The hills of Tuscany and the surrounding villages Florence is the capital of the region flooded with sunshine in the spring, interspersed with clouds dispersed, which protects the fertile soil and forest trees lush, and the cultivation of the vine and olive trees, to make it a piece of art is not only the presence of breathtaking beauty, magic charm lacking, and attract Florence City alone, about ten millions of tourists each year, making it one of the most attractive cities in the world for tourists

It consists of Tuscany region of ten provinces famous for all tourism and art, in the capital city of Florence, which is a open-air museum, tourists can to visit the municipal yard Bashrvadtha large, and visit the center of the arena where there is a bronze statue of "Giovanni da Veratsano" Italian explorer who traveled the Americas, There is also the most important hydrograph centers in the world

And you can visit the magnificent rural areas, including the village of Padilla Coltiebowno and Fartini and Gajulh, in addition to visiting the magnificent monuments and Romanian churches that stand witness to the splendor of the art of sculpture and architecture, as tourists can explore the hills and villages in Chianti

And the region is home to many resorts and hotels, some of which recognize the pictures

"Valdera, Montaione, San Gimignano"

Wonderful villas and swimming pool with great prospects between San Gimignano and Volterra, and includes double bedrooms, four bathrooms, swimming pool, and lease costs of $ 3953 per week and can accommodate eight people

"Casa del Pastore, Sarteano, Val d'Orcia"

Luxury villa comprises four double bedrooms, four bathrooms and a swimming pool, and can accommodate eight people, and lease costs of $ 3,590 per week

"Dimora for 8, Barberino Val d'Elsa, Chianti, Florence"

Beautiful villa can accommodate eight people and has four bedrooms, and two bathrooms, and offers stunning natural scenery and wide spaces to practice different types of activities and costs $ 3953 per week

"Prisma, Meina, Lake Maggiore"

Beautiful villa with two bedrooms with double bed 0.1 twin bedroom, bedroom kids with bunk beds 0.1 bathrooms, 2 shower rooms, and can accommodate eight people, and cost $ 3451 for the week

Morellino, Magliano in Toscana

Can accommodate eight people, and includes 4 bedrooms, bathroom, shower room, and a separate toilet, and cost $ 2527 per week

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