Pictures | Learn strangest 10 hotels in the world

Hotels are the most important of which are looking for possible tourist while traveling, after the long journey must reside in a place safe from his comfort and tranquility

However, some tourists are looking for all that is weird and sexy, so he baptized to accommodation in hotels of a different nature and strange. For lovers of this type of hotels Below are some of the strangest hotels in the world according to the website Happy TRIPS-mail

  Hotel "8", Germany

This hotel is located in Stuttgart, and is the kiss of car enthusiasts. It is part of Polengjin Malinverk Automotive Museum, and this is liable to attract tourists from car enthusiasts
Palacio del Sal, Bolivia Hotel

This hotel is built on the largest salt flat in the world, Salar de Oyun. Palacio de Sal Hotel was built from pure salt stones

Trihutal Hotel, Sweden

This hotel is located on top of a big tree is the residence where a very magnificence, because scenic visitors can view from the hotel

Brobbelr Island City Hotel

Combines Brobbelr Island City hotel in Berlin between Grid strangeness and excellence, where it is the residence as a tour of the art museum
  Jokascarfa Ice Hotel, Sweden

Tourists can stay at this hotel, and live atmosphere and lifestyle in Eskimo, which is the first and largest hotel in the world built from the entire ice
Kakslauhtanin hotel in Finland

This hotel offers tourists resident where a wonderful view of the atmosphere of northern Finland, which is a set of domes distributed in symmetry amazing, and give visitors a unique opportunity to follow the brilliant lights north
  Jumbo Stay, Sweden Hotel

It is a jet plane from the 747 model, and this distinctive hotel in the city of Stockholm Arlanda Airport is located, and offers tourists a chance to stay in the atmosphere of a jet-like atmosphere of a jumbo jet
Doug Park Hotel, Idaho

Doug Park Hotel is the American state of Idaho the best place to spend a distinctive night for dog lovers, and offers tourists a bedroom containing two beds and breakfast
Hobbit Hotel, New Zealand

This strange hotel is located in New Zealand, was built in the form of a two-room Mahfortin in the land of stones polystyrene that keeps cool in summer and warmth in the winter
Manu Hotel Giraffe, Kenya

Tourists can be heard meal of food during his stay in this historic and giraffes from the windows, which overlook the hotel. The hotel was built in a protected contain a lot of giraffes

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