Forum "Saudi Arabia colors" receives visitors in Medina

Arrived in the exhibition "Saudi Arabia colors" mobile to Medina, where he was received in the neighborhood heritage garden King Fahd Central (Oasis Capital of Islamic Culture) large numbers of visitors who led them love to see the beauty of photo and the beauty of the country

Secretary of the city at the opening of Saudi Arabia colors mobile gallery

And kept the show, which began on March 18, organized by the General Authority for Tourism and Antiquities to highlight the tourism and heritage features that abound in the home, and the beauty and diversity and heritage of cultural and natural and cultural Kingdom, through 60 varied picture
Saleh pointed Abbas general manager of the branch of the body in the region, that the body targeted collaboration with the Secretariat of the Medina area by organizing the exhibition and inform visitors on the part of the tourism potential in the Kingdom through creativity Saudis winning photographers and photos in "Saudi Arabia colors competitions
He noted Saleh Abbas carefully Secretariat of the region to provide an opportunity for creators and innovators Medina of cameramen and photographers to participate their creations in the field of photography
He reported that Saudi Arabia colors mobile exhibition which opened at the beginning of the middle of the second semester leave and lasts ten days, aims to reach citizens and residents in various parts of the Kingdom through a traveling exhibition up to them in the cities of residence
It is noteworthy that the Medina area is the sixth leg of the exhibition after the mobile stations in Riyadh and Okaz market and Taif and Mecca

The exhibition offers a range of publications and brochures on tourism Arabia, which talks about some of the sites and attractions regions of the Kingdom, along with some pictures embody the history and development of the body and its achievements and projects, including King Abdullah program to take care of heritage, it also provides information needed by tourist

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