Chichen Itza city pictures

Chichen Itza, a large pre-Columbian city trip, which was established by the Mayan people, which is an archaeological site in the municipality of Tinum, in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Chichen Itza was a major focal point in the plains of the north in the last Classic Maya period, which has many architectural Tros with patterns of low land in the northern Maya, which explains most contemporary interpretations presented with the presence of these patterns is Mayan. Chichen Itza was one of the largest Mayan cities were a weighted cities to be one of the major cities legendary, and referred to later in the literature in Central America, and probably in the population of Maya the most diverse city in the world, is also one of the factors that can be contributed in a variety of architectural styles at the site. The ruins of Chichen Itza are the property of the federal, which is overseeing the preservation of the site by the National Institute of Mexico "and is intended date of the people," the National Institute of Anthropology and History. " And that was one of the Earth Science and monuments privately owned until March 29, 2010, which was purchased by the state of Yucatan. Chichen Itza is one of the most attractive to tourists in Mexico archaeological sites, where it is estimated the number of tourists who come to visit every year about 1.2 million tourists

Chichen Itza has a major economic force in the northern Maya and low land during its heyday. And to participate in the peninsula - to meet the trade route transported by water through the site port on the northern coast of Cerritos island, it is also able to get a non-available resources locally from remote areas, such as volcanic glass Black from Central Mexico and gold South and Central America. The expanded area of ​​Chichen Itza 900 and 1050 meters to become a strong regional capital of North and Central Yucatan, where he established the Cerritos Island commercial port

Chichen Itza is the currency of the Mexican peso 0.1 SR equivalent to about 4 Mexican pesos

Tourism in Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza is the most famous of all the cities of Maya great, and cynical cities to some extent because the most famous structure did not have the architecture of the Maya classic model that shows how strong influences from other cultures of central Mexico, it is also the fastest growing among the many ruins Mayan civilization, but combines a grant-scale monuments astronomer and accurate calculation and mysterious buildings in the area, making it amazing. Also tourism in Chichen Itza

Casa Kolorada
Casa Kolorada, one of the buildings that have been preserved in Chichen Itza, which consists of one room wide written by hieroglyphic writing carved on the walls are the names of Chichen Itza rulers and possibly from the nearby Ek Mother City, which has a history of Maya runway, which is due to the 869 years, and is one of the oldest of these dates that are found in all of Chichen Itza, Casa Kolorada

Temple bearded man
The bearded man Temple or the northern temple, which is a small building detailed by the carvings for carving relief on the interior walls, which shows the character and the man who carving where he put under his chin hair-like facial hair, and in the south end there is the temple of a much larger, but in ruins , which the Spaniards called "Iglesia La Iglesia". Maybe so named because it was located next to a nunnery, and this temple is one of the oldest buildings in Chichen Itza, which includes crabs, snails and turtles representing gods Maya

Tomb of the High Priest
The tomb of the high priest, or the tomb of the priest is the High Temple shape of a pyramid with ramps on each side, and the temple stands above the cave of natural limestone where they found the skeletons, archaeologists and thought it was the structure of the tomb, because the figures that were buried where they belong to the priests

Sacred Cenote

Cenote Holy is the Hungarian caller corridor posed in Chichen Itza, and is a natural stream, and there the second karst cave in the center of Chichen Itza, which is used as a source of water for the people of Chichen Itza, and was held in the cenote sacred ceremonies over the years, has maintained many of the artifacts including gold, jade, copper, turquoise, obsidian, and copal or incense, pottery, rubber, and shells

Temple of the Skulls
Along with the Great Ball Court, the Temple of Skulls is one of the worst in the temples of Chichen, a low platform on each side there are rows of skulls carved. To be found on similar platforms in the center of Mexico, and most famously in Tenochtitlan, was presented the heads of sacrificial victims, along with those players who lose a ball game

Main Ball Court
Chichen Itza contain at least 8 courts for the ball, but the main ball court is now the most impressive, the largest court of soccer in Central America, where allocated an area of 864 m, and differs radically from any other ball court in the Maya, where the sloping courts part, the smaller ones, and the walls vertical with two in the main ball court, where a height of 12 meters with the presence of rings carved snakes intertwined in the center of each wall, and also carved on the walls scenes show teams of players the ball, where the panel show the player kneeling and severed his head with starting the fire and blood from his neck

El Caracol
Caracol or Observatory is a circular building in the form of a large square has a high platform with a height of about 906 m, and was probably the old Observatory for Maya, with the doors and windows that can be identified through the astronomical events, specifically to the path of Venus, and the Mayan Tower can be displayed the sky above the vegetation without any hindrance

Temple of the Warriors
Temple of the Warriors is the Great Pyramid is surrounded by carved columns depicting warriors, this temple is similar to Temple B in the Toltec capital of Tula, and refers to a form of cultural communication between the two regions. Along the southern wall of the Temple of the Warriors are no series of exposed columns, divided columns into three sections distinct: West Group, which extends on the front of the Warriors Temple lines, and set the north, which extends on the southern wall of the Temple of the Warriors length and contain these columns on the sculptures of soldiers from the bas-relief, and a north-east, which was formed on what appears to be a small temple in the southeast corner of the Temple of the Warriors

Temple of Kukulkan
It is located in the center of the open court where Kukulkan temple stands, this temple is dedicated to refer to the snake god Quetzalcoatl, which is one of the most famous attractions in Chichen Itza

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