Arab country as a tourist destination German under crisis

Lends past fragrant heritage rich diverse, touches warm intimate on the wings of the Arab countries to participate session 49 for the exhibition Berlin tourism: drawing henna on hand, enjoy sip a cup of Moroccan mint tea, incense and perfume smells, writing visitor calligraphy name and Alhelogriffih, making trousseau boxes , huge replicas of tourist attractions, the sound of live music and traditional silk weaving on the loom

Security concerns
Try the 15 participating Arab countries namely; Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Jordan, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, highlighting the features and the industry of tourism in the hope to improve their share of the German and international tourism market. Suffered the repercussions of the Arab Spring countries are close to almost a disaster for the tourism sector, which it must do double effort to reassure tourists.
How not, stability and safety are the primary capital of the tourism industry? Has been through many of those we surveyed opinions about these security concerns. Dominique Rutten Escher, who is studying tourism and came to Munich to visit the exhibition says: "I will not venture to go to places that are not safe in the depths of the desert, and the best that I enjoy Bajazata in the most secure places in Tunisia

Others prefer "to change the destination" to other countries in the Mediterranean basin. Especially since all the Mediterranean countries give tourists the opportunity to enjoy the warm water and sunshine and semi-close prices. Reduces Alvin Furrer, who owns a tourist hotel in Egypt, the size of the security risks: "We hear from time to time for small incidents in the northern Sinai and Cairo. But in general, the situation is very safe. Local authorities do everything they can to impose security, they are guarding the tourist groups and accompanied if necessary. Some tourist destinations are working on the Red Sea as Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada well now. But the areas of Aswan and Luxor affected relatively large. "
Ganr Greek, English tourist runs his family's company in the UK: "What must be done is to restore a sense of Western tourists that the region is safe and not a threat to their lives there." Yemen live semi-state tourist paralysis except Socotra Island and the old Sanaa. Played the issue of the kidnapping of tourists in Yemen, which has become almost a chronic disease for the country, repulsive role for tourists, not to mention the ongoing unrest and instability there.
?Human rights standard for tourism

There are conflicting views on the extent to which contribute to the issue of respect for human rights by choosing the destination tourism. Dominique Rutten says Escher commented: "I would not spend my vacation in countries that do not respect human rights. And shares my opinion a lot of contact. " The opinion shared by two students Albalijkitan Louise and Joyce. Attached tourism expert Professor Martin Le Mans: "Some people find it a moral issue, but ultimately not much affect the behavior and choices most tourists are not included in the calculations. Even in the past, this is not the case with Spain under the Franco regime, and Greece under the former military dictatorship
It seems that age group, educational level, political orientation and social class play an important role at this point. See Dr. Beata Ahmant and clear half of the cup: "Tourism can lead to stimulate the economy and create more jobs, and thus promote social peace in the country is politically stable and security. The interaction between peoples, cultures and religions through tourism will lead to more openness on the dictatorship of the free world countries, and thus improve the human rights in these countries

The participation of high-level messages to reassure
Keenness of tourism ministers in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to personally participate in the world's largest tourism summit, where a flood last year, 110 thousand expert sector workers and 50 thousand of ordinary people seeking attractive tourist destinations. This year has seen an increase in the number of participating Arab countries
Confirmed Hisham Zazou, Egypt's tourism minister, told a news conference that "Egypt opens its arms to all tourists and the government will take all measures to ensure the highest level of security. Egyptian tourism achieved in 2014, an increase of 4.3% for 2013

Fatima Ali Hraibi, executive director of the Council promo tour in Yemen, said: "We use automated tracking of the means of tourist transport technology, to deal with the issue of the kidnapping of tourists. As we are trying to focus on the promotion of the island of Socotra, and flight line recently opened directly from Dubai to Socotra, so as to avoid disembark at airports and long exposure to risk traveling on unsafe roads
In turn, confirms the Minister of Tourism in Tunisia, Salma Lummi slave, in a statement to "DW" We are here to send a message of reassurance that the stability and security occupy the top of our priorities. We seek to complete the tourism strategy, development and access to the development of the Tunisian tourist product. We focus here on the Alternative Tourism Kasahrawih and therapeutic, cultural, agricultural, to our tourism on the beaches are not limited only in the summer season. The year 2014 saw an improvement compared to the previous three years

Missed opportunities and frantic competition
Acquires all of Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia, the largest number of German tourists. According to Professor Martin and statistics that "did not report the share of Arab countries in the last year, only 3 percent of the 70 million German tourist trip inside and outside Germany. The case was not much better before the Arab Spring
It does not carry the whole burden of sin security conditions: "There is a large, global competition for the tourist." And opportunities to improve the Arab market shares in Germany, says: "There is no recipe suitable for all Arab countries. But it is necessary to undertake reforms Hikalh, and focus on the promotion tour operators, more of the same tourist. After all, the return of calm and safety does not mean a return to the automatic numbers before the Arab Spring, let alone improve it

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