The most beautiful building in the world markets

In the period before the industrial age, people used to buy their food from their home areas, which were often beautiful lobbies and markets covered. Journalist Jonathan Glansa describes us the most beautiful of these markets
The issue of access to fresh food, can distinguish between the United States and Britain on the one hand, and the rest of the world on the other. Rapid and early transition to manufacturing in both countries led to a gap between the majority of the population and the land that were once cultivated
Cooling, railways, and urban growth, and the spread of cars, all reasons have led to a rise in the number of large markets, called the supermarket name, Btaamha envelope, and goods with specific expiration dates, and food-branded and are subject to the promotion and publicity
The arrival of trucks loaded with goods to supermarkets on the outskirts of cities has led to the closure of shops run by families, and declining commercial street value, and the deterioration of the interaction between buyers and sellers and producers of foodstuffs
Played the covered markets in both Britain and North America supermarket role, as is the case these days in many parts of the world, where people are verified considering the food you want to buy it, and want to enjoy the festive atmosphere provided by the covered markets
In addition to these positive aspects, comparable markets Amotah- designed attractive way to achieve the role which it was created, is to supply the city with food in a fun way and Mlaúma- importance in the headquarters of the municipal councils and places of worship

Of the most interesting places in the city of Los Angeles grand central market in South Broadway, which opened in 1917
Despite the growing reliance on food factory and supermarkets, continue to flourish covered markets in a number of large cities in both Britain and the United States
Of the most interesting places in the city of Los Angeles grand central market in South Broadway. Central Market that opened in 1917 on the ground floor of the Homer to Okhlin building, designed by the architect who was born in Britain, John B. Parkinson, and benefited from the services of successive generations of immigrants.
Today Alheispanic Americans constitute 80 percent of the shoppers here, a fact find translated in the diversity of fresh fruit, vegetables, and ready-made foods Spanish. Most of these goods stores and displays under the display boards hanging from the US concrete arches of the building is designed in an innovative way, where he stayed with Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect months his studio here
Architectural design of the Pike Place Market in Seattle is characterized by interference between different forms back to 1907, when the water-fronted opened for the first time. The market, which covers an area of 3,600 square meters on several floors of a building at the foot of a highlands. And displays on the market everything from coming from the Pacific Ocean fresh fish to local handicrafts
And the market return ownership to the government, and Aaa 500 people, and provides food and joy to another number. And of course you can eat sushi here, although it is in his days old and before that Congress enacted into law in 1942 sent whereby the Japanese to internment camps for the duration of World War II, was a Japanese-American families mark distinctive here, where these families own 80 percent of the shops in this market
The Pike Place Market is witnessing a boom these days, which is an alternative in the city center for a global food factory, and shops that carry well-known brands. If you are lucky, you will see Sol Amon shop, cod, a mythical place adjacent to replace the Pure Food Fish Land. Here the market grew simultaneously with the famous characters long time ago
The countries of Europe and the Middle East, which includes the most important places of dazzling architectural beauty markets. Despite intense competition from luxury churches, palaces Manifa, the visitor to Venice may not Evtne architectural beauty market Pescheria, a fish encased adjacent to the Rialto Bridge market
Fish Market has been held here since 1907, in spite of the existence of the new Gothic building, designed by architect Domenico Rapoulo, and painter Tcisar Llorente
Look at what crowned columns that support the roof, where the fish heads appear instead of the leaves of plants as usual

Back "the belly of Paris" market building to the mid-nineteenth century, and designed by architect Victor Baltard, the demolition in 1971
These markets are competing in the splendor of the architecture, as well as the display of fresh foods for sale here and in the fruit and vegetable market called Aarberaa next door
The best way to reach this market through Gateway (boat) runs from the Santa Sofia on the other side of the Grand Canal (Grand Canal)
In this way you see fish species endless, water, boats, canals, and a number of specialties offered, distinctive architecture, which all converge in one place from the city of Venice
Daily bread
This Italian and American market share in certain specifications. Paris also has a long tradition in the daily covered markets in many parts of the city
These markets are miniature models of the Great Central Market "me Al", ie the belly of Paris, where the label derived from the novel by Emile Zola writer title published in 1873 entitled (if Fonter di Bari)
Although this palace to sell food that is built up to the mid-nineteenth century and designed by architect Victor Baltard, the demolition of the palace in 1971
Of the three remaining ten Covered markets, market Marché LaChapelle is more markets that have received good care. It suggests that by the way the market "me Al," which misses everyone. And exposure in this market foods from Portugal and North Africa, and is characterized by contention shoppers who lead this market and other markets in Paris every day

Valencia covered market known as Marcado Central, is one of the manifestations of the Spanish architecture
This French market and was elegant and beautiful designs with. Which is sold here at the end of the greater importance of architecture it
This does not apply to Valencia covered market known as Marcado Central. It is a pleasure to supply food for sale in this building in the Spanish wonderful architectural design tasty and fun such as construction, which offers a home
Market which was designed by architects Ketalonean Francisco Guardia and Alejandro Solar, brilliant colored ceramic coated Bakbabh, mosaic and painted glass, built was completed in 1928. Today featuring A table full of delicious foods
Can not anyone who grew up on the culture of the supermarket but stare admiringly and eat in amazement, this is what can be and what it means fresh food, which is available to everyone, every day and at no additional cost
One of the greatest markets covered area is also beautiful and the Middle East markets. It is unfortunate that the best of these markets at all the city market in the heart of the city of Aleppo, which dates back to 1450 built, has been largely destroyed in the conflict, which is currently seen in Syria

City Market in the heart of the city of Aleppo, built in 1450 to return, has been largely destroyed in the conflict, which is currently seen in Syria
Here, there are eight miles of streets covered, many of which are under the cellars of the beautiful stone. A place where shadows dance under the sun light, and includes thousands of shops crowded with food, spices, fabrics, this was a market for a long centuries of the greatest places where religions and cultures mingled, and hoped to return to its former glory
In Rotterdam, a city of people who come from different cultures, work and shop, covered with a new market in the Lorenz area of the city was opened
This huge colored building, which was designed in the form of a horseshoe, at the hands of the company (MVDRV) architecture includes dining tables and flowers, as well as new fashion shops, apartments and joyful, and the headquarters for companies and new projects
Also includes culinary school for those interested in the delicious dishes of fresh food industry. The architectural design of the covered market not only suggests that it will stay the same, but he will have an attractive and enjoyable future more than any other supermarket from here until Los Angeles

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