Strangest islands in the world

In the world of islands on the surface of the ocean oddity and wonders and this is an oddity of the islands discovered by sailors and perhaps there are other more exotic islands, which are now introducing oddity islands

  rotary island

 A long time ago the Greeks discovered this island when he saw some people over the ship to load cargo, where they have suffered the horror when they noticed a huge thing is about the same, just 1,000 meters from the ship. But after they approached this thing
They discovered the island of spin too quickly. Where one takes a lap of one minute while slower roll it still takes about 12 minutes. What makes the island an existing middle of the ocean spin like this? Researchers have not yet figured out how to answer this question

The island, which split into two halves and then coalesce again

 This island, which lies on the Pacific is divided into two halves and then go back and unite again on its own. Can not be expected duration of this split to go back to the docking again, it may take from one day to four days

  Peninsula gloomy

 Some people call this island called "ship of death". It is near the east coast of Canada. There is nothing to indicate in any life such as animals or plants, there is the only one rock green color. The strangest thing regard to this island that every time any ship approaching the island of Compass stop working, and it seems as if the ship attracted to the island and end up colliding on the island and then drowning. There is no explanation for it

  Island weeping

 As its name, it is when you get close to this island you can hear the howling and screaming mass comes at a time to set the objects look like wailing birds

  Roaming the island

 Located on the Atlantic coast of Canada. The odd thing on this island they move very quickly as if they have legs. Especially when the wind is strong, making them going like compound. This island has traveled 20 km through the 200-year-old
An average of 100 meters per year

Island Ghost

 This island is located on the South Pacific. In 1831 the volcano erupted under the sea in this area has resulted in the emergence of this island that rises from the sea sixty meters. Was so named because it has disappeared several times before then reappeared
One more time. Researchers say that if other volcanoes did not occur, this island will sink into the ocean and will not appear again


 This island is located in Spain. A long time ago a volcanic lava fell on the mountain bloc composed of mud that piled up to make dozens of ponds. This mud is characterized by its ability to clean and whiten skin. Is also used as a treatment for back pain in women and also LOSS

  Malvenas- Commission Penguin Island

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