Oasis "Hoakashena" wonderful located 8 km from the city, "Ika" in southern Peru, which is built around a natural lake witch, stretching from around the dunes, which are superior to several feet
The newspaper "Daily Mail" the British, that the Oasis seem far into the desert and of the desert climate is hot, but in fact about one hour away from the Pacific coast, and therefore enjoy a natural atmosphere is beautiful, beside the quiet middle of the desert, which attract the tourist trips from across the country
British paper said that the area is drier climate in the world, although it has a population of permanent oasis about 100 people, and is composed of a group of resorts built and restaurants around the lake and green areas that surround it, its population depends entirely on tourism
The newspaper recently revealed that Oasis has become a popular destination for players sandbord, or sport riding sand, due to the softness of the sand around, and provide sand peaks needed players to practice their sport
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