Pictures | strangest national dishes in the world

Unite as human beings and Nchaph in many adjectives and verbs, but all of us think and express in different ways, and this difference appears clearly when we see how different habits in everything, especially in eating, each has its own dishes people he knows and is creative in its preparation and cherished even though components may seem strange to others.

Although one of the pleasures of traveling around the world are tasting other people's dishes, but the dishes are covered by this list does not change tastings and even some nasty and can not afford to be seen, let alone taking it.

The newspaper "Daily Mail" Britain has published a report included a list of the strangest national dishes around the world, and these dishes are varied diversity of cultures and peoples, it is grilled to insects to fish embryos, sperm and poultry, rodents and horses and other milk.

:Below we learn about some of these dishes Pictures

Sperm fish "Shirako", a Japanese dish is fish sperm from him and says that the Japanese rich in protein

Fermented herring "surströmming", this dish famous in Sweden

Fermented horse "aireg" milk is the favorite drink of alcohol in Mongolia

Octopus neighborhood "Sannakji" Korean dish consists of a small neighborhood octopus

Meat large rodent "Capybara", one of the most popular dishes in Venezuela

Dogs "Boshintang" of popular dishes in Korea soup

"Kaestur Hákarl" is a traditional dish in the "Greenland" island, which is a fermented shark meat

Tacos "Sesos" of popular dishes in Mexico is using the animal's brain and he is loved by tourists

Dish "hot grasshoppers", otherwise known as "chapulines" of popular dishes in Oaxaca, Mexico

Fried chicken feet, from common dishes in Asia

"Altaaben wine" is prepared put snakes in rice wine or grain and believed to have therapeutic properties

"Jenin ducks" of popular dishes in Asia, and is boiling duck eggs containing embryos are taken directly from the cortex as the picture

Pudding contains the heart and the liver and lungs of sheep, traditionally cooked in the animal's stomach

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