Photos tourism landmarks in the city of Tipaza in Algeria

Tipaza Algerian city on the Mediterranean coast in Tipaza and away from the city of Algeria at 75 km Gharba.ossha Phoenicians as one of the many commercial colonies where her prestige

• the meaning of Tipaza in Phoenician language (corridor) because it was a transit and a conduit for people between the cities of Aakosem (Algeria) and IOL (Cherchell). Then became known Baqrtajah. Colony was discovered Btibasa Phoenician-century BC 5 When the Romans came and turned it into a colony tracking Latium, then turned to follow Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius colony (41-54m)

• Romanian city in Tibasa built over three small hills opposite views of the sea. The residential homes in the central hill, but did not keep her effects. There are lingering effects of three churches: the Basilica and the Basilica of Alexander the Great in the western hill and the Basilica of St. Salsa in the eastern hill

• major basilicas been used for centuries Kmqla stone, but its plan, which is divided into seven wings still visible. Beneath the tombs carved from solid rock, including the tomb of a circular diameter of 60 feet to accommodate 24 shroud was discovered. The Basilica of St. Salsa is still contain mosaic was discovered by Stephen yarn consists of the main dish and wing. There are also Tibasa Museum of Antiquities, which includes a lot of effects, despite his youth

• the city was surrounded by a great wall, a length of several kilometers, and surrounds this city 37 guard station, where they are guarded around the clock, for fear of any invasion. But nature was cruel, destroying the Great Wall, and ate the city, and sank beneath the sea part of it, was being searched under the water, because this process needs a lot of scientific missions

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