Montpellier .. French city boasts bright colors

Colors everywhere in this Eastern city, there is a new color art projects including works some of the giants of the fashion and architecture to add a modern touch of art to the city of Montpellier. Among those Christian Lacroix designer famous Ptsamemath bright colors, which is adorned Brsumaath finally two lines of public transport railway lines.

While the star architect Jean Noel put huge new municipal building, which is characterized by dark blue schemes. There is also the city's avant-garde archive building, which is implemented by the World Zaha Hadid architectural project. Accordingly, this city, which occupies the university position, which is characterized by noisy nightlife, now is one of the most forward-looking cities of France to the future

And to learn about the new wave of designs can ride this train No. 3 to Molares station. The train cars, designed by Lacroix many bright colors covered some plants exotic marine animals. And your up this train station close to the city's municipal building, a huge 12-storey building built cost $ 130 million, the design of the famous architect Jean-Noel, as we pointed out, with his colleague Francois Fuentes. It can wander around the building to watch the channels and exquisite lighting designs.

Among the famous French designers who contributed to the revival of Montpellier Jean Paul Gaultier city projects, designed opera costumes (wedding Figaro) presented on the occasion of the reopening of the Opera House after two years of maintenance and repair work

Among the other attractions in the city Agora building a monastery dating back to the year 1641, it was converted into an international ballroom where the art of dance Almasr.ohnak, too, Musee Fabre, who is a respected institution offers worth a visit. It is packed with multi-color paintings of the top Dutch artists and other celebrities from the art of painting works. Among the most important works on display dozens of paintings dominated by black color had been donated to the Museum of abstract French artist Pierre Solaj.

And some of them seem like splashes of color giant, while others seem to like brush strokes in Chinese large-size panels. The feet, finally, in the museum presentation entitled (the bodies of shades), which is consistent themes and black color

The historic center of the city of Montpellier, one of the largest pedestrian areas in France. The lanes and alleys dating back to the various stages of the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, and architecture, which dates back to the seventeenth century, the buildings belong to the nineteenth century, includes some of the most interesting shops

And find in Fushi Hall Street View of paintings and art shops selling home decoration and shop for another Champions designs printed on T-shirts magazines animated cartoons, and some posters designed by local artists.
Among the magnificent old buildings bath Old former back to the eighteenth century were returned maintenance and restoration is located in Richelieu Street, has now turned into a restaurant ocean-going mostly families and offers different types of dishes and desserts

It is of interest that must be had in Montpellier Antigone residential area, which took its name from the ancient Greek name of the play. It is suitable for wandering on foot or hiking in the area, when calm city traffic

This area was built during the seventies and eighties of the last century, has been designed on the Greek Hellenistic style, and includes some of the classic architecture of the buildings were sold to citizens housing. There are in the main square of the region statue Satyr Dionys, and this region is the recent experience in the field of popular neighborhoods

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