Learn the most dangerous places in the world to swim

    Swim of the most important recreational activities, preferably a lot of tourists to enjoy during the tour, but there are some tourist beaches, which may be one of the most dangerous swimming places in the world, therefore warns the swimming tourists where due to severe depth or the presence of marine organisms predators or other reasons, you in this article, a list of the most dangerous places in the world to swim

:Mumbai beach

Warns against swimming at this beach tourism Mumbai because of effluents into water beaches, causing skin diseases and infectious diseases for tourists

:Naosmerna Beach

It is located in the state of Florida and is one of the most dangerous tourist beaches in tourism United States because of its predatory sharks exist

:Yenisei River

Is one of the most dangerous places to swim and fishing tourism in Russia and is located in the center of Siberia and the most important reasons for the seriousness of this river is contaminated by radiation due to deliver a special plutonium bomb-making factory radioactive effluent into the river out of date

:Horseshoe Lake

Located in the state of California tourism United States, but in spite of its natural beauty, but it is one of the most dangerous tourist places because of the proliferation of carbon dioxide in the fresh air after the earthquake in 1990 and the likelihood of a volcanic explosion

:Kibo Falls

Located in Kauai area tourism Japan and characterized for its natural beauty, but there are a lot of injuries and disappearances occurring waterfall, which did not know some of the causes and likely cause of the disappearance of swimmers at the waterfall is a spiral below, or in the presence of reptiles underwater

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