Ismailia city of magic and beauty

One of Ismailia Canal cities, the capital of Ismailia. The population of the city's population and its suburbs, about half a million people. The city was built on the West Bank of Lake alligator - which is part of the Suez Canal corridor - roughly midway between Port Said and Suez in the north to the south, in order to be a center for the global company Suez Canal navigable during the reign of Khedive Ismail
Tourism in Ismailia

City views on the banks of the Suez Canal and the Bitter Lakes and Lake alligator, given the moderate faces throughout the year and in addition to its proximity to Cairo and Eastern Qalubia they exploit summer resort and winter resort at the same time, it is also characterized by abundant gardens and parks and the many fishing areas along Alligator Lake and Bitter Lakes area Fayed Abu Sultan and Fanara. Tourists also practiced different types of water sports.

Ismailia rich historical and tourist purposes, which make us feel the greatness of the Egyptian civilization, and reminiscent of the venerable victories. And historical features that start from the Pharaonic era and up to the current era represents a great beauty to Ouhhhtla allows visitors the chance to live with history trip at home

Ismailia located within the Lower governorates are located in the provinces Valley Tmalat which dates back to the era of the modern state and the Late Period and the Greek and Roman. That the Egyptian Antiquities Authority work scientific excavations in Tel Hassan Daoud and resulted in the emergence of the excavation tombs dating back to pre-dynastic period and the beginning of the dynastic era before the year 5000.
Archaeological Museum

Is one of the oldest museums in Egypt, built by engineers working in the Global Navigation Company (Suez Canal Authority) in 1911, and is a nice nucleus of the Museum of Regional, and the nature of architectural museum takes the form of the temple (pylon) and is characterized by gates and windows topped with scarabs down the Corniche, and the scarcity of the contents of Antique and includes artifacts for all times of the beginning of the Pharaonic era to the era of Muhammad Ali, has been the opening of the museum to visit for the first time in 1913

De Lesseps Museum

Due to the construction of the Suez Canal period (1859) was the residence of the French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps, who had the privilege of digging the Suez Canal from Khedive Ismail .. The museum includes tools and belongings and engineering drawings and maps as well as an original piece of (Alcanvah) busy by two characters SC acronym for the Suez Canal and model the original invitation sent to Molech and presidents to attend the opening of the legendary Suez Canal ceremony in November 17, 1869 as well as the original vehicle, which was pulled by horses and used by de Lesseps in traffic on work sites in the Suez Canal, and the living room was packed with paper wall was first used in Egypt, it was brought from France at this time as well as heat to the atmosphere scale (aqueous), which is still working efficiently to now

Atwa Abu tanks Museum

This museum was established in the village of Abu Atwa 3 km from the city of Ismailia to commemorate the battle in which the armed forces and the people of Ismailia Israeli tanks engaged in the glorious October War of 1973, in which the aggressor Israeli forces tried to break into the city after a gap famous Deversoir has confronted the armed forces and the support of my people large aggressor forces and inflicted heavy losses by the halted progress towards the city .. The museum houses between Jnabath effects of this battle

Some pictures from the city

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