The world's most beautiful and Rod

The roses are beautiful plants, which Tabran human emotions codes, and are close andgrainy the same as for its beauty and its paper and simplicity, and roses of the most beautiful gifts and are strongly preferred, especially by soft sex, who feels that the flowers resemble and making the voice, and so the roses friendly women's favorite, and the man to win the heart of a woman bring her roses, they are evidence of the romantic feelings and delicate, and the most beautiful scenery, see the colored regiments of roses, where he captures their beauty breathtaking, and enter the peace of mind to the heart, and modulate mood, Vlrud a strange effect on the human, and the fragrant smell of human ability to make happy and romantic.

Scientific research has shown that the effect of the strong scent of roses and strange affect a woman's mood, though this effect varies in strength according to the flower type and nature of smell, and the examples:

• First, that all of the pink tulips Daffodil yellow help to improve the feeling after a hard day and is full of bad Dgutat work.

• Second, to see the flowers blooming bright help in man's ability to endure the pain and forgotten, and for this reason donate flowers for the sick person.

• Third, the effect of aromatherapy to alleviate the grief and vent their anger and a sense of hope and life and optimism.

And of the most beautiful types of roses:

1 - Rose (Rose Jawria), a strong sign of love and adoration, symbolizing love and passion and emotion-Semitism, and address the beautiful woman beloved.

2 - tulips, a declaration of love and recognition, and the man giving tulips for women is a statement severe his love them.

3 - Orchid plant and is very expensive, meaning Belle or the most beautiful and charming and attractive woman among women, and this rose is characterized by beautiful colors, which include all the colors of the rainbow.

4 - Flower and Lily are in the beauty and excellence summit.

5 - Calla Lily and meaning of beauty and elegance.

6 - Anheuerm and hospitality is the title.

7 - Paradise Birds (Birds of Paradise) and is heading for fun and fun and joy and jubilation.

8 - Lilac and is the address of the launch and the spontaneity and getting carried away with ideas.

9 - carnations and means beauty and pride.

10 - Freesia and means of innocence and simplicity.

11 - daffodils and means gallantry and chivalry.

12 - Daisy and means beauty.

13 - Lily Aljladillas means and strength of character.

14 - Lily Sapphire and means to fulfill.

15 - Hedranjia and mean heart Savior.

16 - iris and means praise and wit.

17 - Lily Alaissatk and means Majesty and Greatness.

18 - Azanths and means to leave and desertion.

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